Legal notices

The Site is accessible at the following address: / and is published by the company ANDREA LEV which operates the commercial name and the Andrea Lev brand.
The site is hosted by Shin Agency.
Design and creation of the site: Shin Agency
Agency manager: Benjamin Curiel

The site’s publishing director is Alexia Ancri, president and CEO.
The Goods for sale on the Site, in accordance with the general conditions of sale, are sold by the company Andrea Lev.
Telephone: +33 6 21 04 01 37


R.C.S.: 982952301
Paris Social Capital: 1,000 euros
Head office address: 11. Rue Gustave Flaubert, Paris 75017, France
VAT number: FR73982952301

Andrea Lev invites Internet users to read its general conditions of sale, its confidentiality policy and the management of its cookies.

Intellectual property rights:

The entire content of the site is the exclusive property of Andrea Lev, therefore no content of the site may be used, reproduced, or published in part or in whole without the explicit consent of Andrea Lev.

Privacy policy:

Your privacy is a priority of Andrea Lev.
In this regard, we undertake to respect the personal data of our customers, non-customers and online users, to treat them with the greatest care and ensure the best level of protection in accordance with Regulation 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 relating to the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and the free movement of such data (hereinafter, “GDPR”) and any other applicable legal or regulatory provision.

Who is responsible for processing your data?

The data controller of your data is the company Andrea Lev.
Any questions or requests regarding the processing of your personal data can be sent by email: